Noureen and Thora
Noureen is born in New York City on 28 February 1984. She always showed a great degree of curiosity about becoming a professional actress. Her journey began as she enrolled in at the School of the Arts at Boston University. Noureen began to audition for roles following her graduation. In 2005 she obtained a prominent role in the film West Bank Story. West Bank Story debuted at Sundance Film Festival in 2005 and was screened across all over the world. It also won the Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film at the 2007 Academy Awards. It also paved the path for Noureen DeWulf's subsequent successes. Noureen has since played in TV shows like Girlfriends, Chuck and Outsourced. Her filmography includes both big and small roles for Hollywood blockbusters such as Ocean's Thirteen The Comebacks Ghosts of Girlfriends Past The Back-up Plan. To see a full list of TV Series and Movies which Noureen DeWulf has acted in visit her Noureen DeWulf filmography. Thora birch.............................Thora Birch (born March 11 1982) is an American actress. In the 1990s, she was a child star in films such as Alaska (1996) and Now and Then (1996). Her fame began to rise in 1999 after earning the attention of everyone and acclaim for her performance in American Beauty. In 2001, she was in Ghost World (2001), a film that was well-received and was awarded the Golden Globe nod.

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